Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blogmas 2014 - Day 9: Winter Items You Can't Live Without

Right...good afternoon amazing people, it's time for Day 9 of the famous Blogmas trend.

There is nothing more relaxing and toasty than sitting in front of the fire with a warm, loose sweater on. I don't have a fire place, but I wish we did. My Tia has a fire place in her home and that is how I know that it is so relaxing just listening to the soothing crackle of the wood.

I just love that sweater, I might just put that on my wishlist :D it is really cute LOL

One of the other things I love and can't live without during winter is my big, thick horse blanket that my Tia and Uncle got for me when we first got here. It is this HUGE, thick blanket and on one side it has a horse and her foal and on the other side it has a floral design. I know that I would probably freeze if it weren't for that blanky :D hehe

Another thing is my Jax <3 He is very heavy and every time you try and move him away he just doesn't budge, because if he is tired and lazy then he just wants to be left alone LOL but he is so warm and cuddly and he is definitely what I need when I'm cold and when times are hard for me.

He's naughty, but he's cute...I think I'll keep him ;)

So those are the things I can't live without this winter.

What can't you live without this winter?? ;)


  1. Yes a fire is a must for the winter, best part is the crackling of the wood :) And I love that sweater too, I want one just like it lol


The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...