Thursday, May 16, 2019

A lot of Firsts!

Good Morning Friends!

A lot has happened since the last time I've been on here and let me tell just keeps getting a bit more hectic! 

I had my first Mother's Day which was absolutely wonderful and I couldn't be more grateful to be mother to the most beautiful little girl in the world! 
On Mother's Day morning, my hubby came home from work and took Little Eva over to her grandma's so I could sleep in. I managed to sleep in an extra 2 hours!! It may not seem like much, but for me, it was amazing! 
I had coffee waiting for me from our local coffee place in town that we love, and when I went downstairs, I found a huge card from "Evangeline" and a vase full of flowers and a chocolate bar from my hubby! It was all so very sweet. 

I also received a card from my mom with a beautiful gift along with it....

This beautiful gold necklace represents the bond and love between Grandmother, Mother, and Granddaughter and it was just the PERFECT first Mother's Day gift! 
I love it so much, but unfortunately my daughter has already broken the chain, so now I need to go and get that fixed. I know better than to wear necklaces around her because she is most definitely my child....loves anything that is sparkly and shiny! 

I hope all you momma's out there had a very Blessed and spoiled Mother's Day with your kids! 

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...