Friday, February 16, 2018

Prgenancy Update - 20 Weeks, Day 6

Hello Friends!

Sorry for being so MIA, but lately I have just been feeling very unmotivated to do anything! I have been slacking on my housework and well...obviously my blog. Hopefully now I can jump back on the horse and keep up with my tasks.

So as you can see, I have reached my halfway point!!!
It's so crazy to think how time is just flying by and it's like I can't keep up with it! LOL

On this post I am going to be revealing what our baby's gender is and the new updates on both Steven and myself.
So without further ado.....:D

Baby Update :::

Baby should be weighing about 10.5 ounces and should be around 6.5 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel, about the length of a large banana. On my BabyCenter app, baby is swallowing a lot more these days which is said to be good practice for the digestive system. Baby is also producing meconium which is a black, sticky by-product of digestion and will accumulate in the bowels. Apparently this stuff will come out in babies first messy diaper, in the womb or during delivery!
Yummy! LOL (Not really!)

Mommy's Update :::

I have been suffering with a horrible congested nose! My OB/GYN actually has to prescribe me some Mucinex because I sounded so bad at my last appointment!

Other than that, I have been great! I love feeling my little bundle kick and move around inside my belly! I will admit, it does freak me out sometimes, but everytime my baby moves, I feel so much joy and just dream of the day I get to finally hug and kiss my little one.

 Nursery Update :::

We finally were able to put the crib together, and so this is what it looks like!

That purple thing draped over the crib is going to hang above it, that wasn't even my husband actually asked if we could do that!
Bless his heart! Hehe
We also got a cute little Pack-N-Play because for the first month, baby will be sleeping in our room with us so it will make it easier for me to watch, feed, and change!

All that I am needing now is a crib set and just a little bit of some decor to make it that little bit more cute!

Cravings :::

Chocolate is my craving at the moment and has been for about a month now. Chocolate EVERYTHING...literally! I have a variety of chocolate cereal in my pantry, I ate 3 boxes of chocolates my husband gave me for our anniversary and I even finished 4 cups of chocolate pudding!
I'm disgusting...I know and believe me when I say I am not much of a chocolate person...well....I never used to be anyway. My baby must love that stuff and is making me believe that I love it too! LOL
Is that even possible!?

 Next Doctor's Appointment :::

Next appointment is on March 21st, the day before Steven's birthday!
I'm not sure what this appointment is all about, I think it's just a check up to make sure baby's heart rate is where it should be and also if I'm doing okay.
I do have an Ultrasound appointment on February 27th, and that is to make sure that baby has 10 fingers, 10 toes, just that baby is growing normally!

 Gender Reveal :::

And now...the moment you have all been waiting for!!!

Steven and I are very excited to announce that we are having a beautiful baby....


I'm pretty sure I gave it away with the purple font and the purple thing we're going to hang above her a little princess! Hehe
The theme for her nursery are cute little purple butterflies...


Her name is also going to be Evangeline Odete.
Her middle name is actually my Great Grandmothers name and I just wanted her to be a part of my daughters life because she means the absolute world to me and it kills me that she won't be here to see my daughter!
If you have followed me for a while and read my previous posts, you will know that that woman is the most important woman in my life!

So that was my 20 week update, I will be back in a couple weeks with a new update....if anything has changed! LOL

I hope you all have a Blessed weekend and God Bless! 

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...