Friday, April 29, 2016

{...A Day In The Life...}

Hello everyone :)

WOW! It has been a very long and stressful week! Between doctors appointments to hectic storms, it has just kept us busy and moving non stop!

We started our week off with some mowing :) 3 acres of land may not look like much to some, but when it comes time to mowing it, it can get a bit overwhelming especially if the riding mower is busted LOL

Here are some pictures of our pretty home! <3


 This wasp decided to make her nest right between the glass on the front door, although we do not want her there, I like to watch how she makes her nest! <3

This last picture is my favorite! <3 Just love how it came out...I guess I am pretty handy with a phone camera ;) haha

I hope you enjoyed those few snippets of what I look out the window and see everyday. <3
After the mowing the lawn I did come inside to 3 HUGE bug bites! One on each thigh and one on my arm, and let me tell you...THEY HURT!

Usually when I get bitten by Mosquito's, they get pretty big and hurt because of the swelling, but this is no Mosquito bite because never have I EVER had bites swell up to be this big! I'm thinking a spider because I don't know about you, but when I look at these pictures the shape and the size just don't look good at all!

If anyone has any suggestions about how to get the swelling down, please let me know! I have tried everything!


We have been getting tons of warnings about Thunder storms and Tornadoes, although we've been hit with a few Thunder Storms, we have not been hit with a Tornado yet. On Tuesday Tia and I took some food and water down to the storm shelter along with some candles to try and get the smell of mold to lighten up a bit. The last time we all head down to the storm shelter, my dad and Tia had severe allergy attacks to the point where breathing was becoming difficult and that was all due to the mold and dust down in the storm shelter, so we thought that maybe the scent of some candles will help with the smell and we left the door open the whole day to get some fresh air in there. We then packed and gathered what we needed and took everything down there, including all the letters Steven wrote me, all his clothes that I have, the pictures I have of him, and the stuffed bear he bought me at Seaworld haha (I can't find my Build-a-Bear with his voice in it because it's packed somewhere :( I tried looking in a few boxes, but all the boxes I haven't checked are buried underneath more boxes and if I tornado hits, I'm gonna lose our little SJ :( but I managed to pack everything else, thank goodness!

Just look at these scary pictures!! And now today we have another Tornado making its way through Texas!

I just Pray for everyone in its path <3 May God put His hand and the blood of His son Jesus over them all! <3


Updates on Steven <3 

Didn't hear from him for over a week and then finally heard from him yesterday! <3 He is doing well, still have no clue where he is, but as long as he's safe then I'm happy! <3 I miss him terribly and I can't wait for the day he comes home! We were talking about our lives together and just our versions of what our future looks like together...I must say, I am pretty excited! Scared, but excited hehe

I have to honest, I miss watching my man shoot at the range! <3 He absolutely loves and enjoys it and that makes me fall in love with him even more! <3 You may think I'm being weird, but it's one of the many things I love about him! <3

Well that's it for my post today guys! :)

I hope you all have a Blessed and fun-filled weekend! <3

God Bless!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

{...Wednesday Craziness...}

Happy Wednesday Everyone! :)

Hope you all started your day off with a BANG! because we sure did! I woke up this morning to the sound of Tia cussing out in the kitchen, but in a way of panic. I walk over there and see that the whole kitchen is flooded and I see a huge gush of water coming out of the wall behind the washing machine. Yup...the pipe burst! No one knows how or why it did, but sometime during the night it just decided to burst. I remember hearing that sound of gushing water in my sleep, but I didn't think it would actually be water flooding the kitchen. My parents also heard the noise sometime during the night, but because it has been raining non stop here, they thought it was rain and thought nothing of it. So Tia and I spent the whole morning, from 5;30-8;00 sucking up all the water with the carpet cleaner as well as the mop. Took forever, but we finally got it done! :) The kitchen floor is ruined though, it's almost like it's lifting and indenting so that's not good at all. Let's just hope we can get all these issues straightened out sooner rather than later! 

This week I ran up to the Family Planning Clinic in Wichita to get on some kind of contraceptive. I was on the pill last year for just over a month and ever since I was on that specific contraceptive, my life just took a turn for the worst, especially if I just stopped in the middle of it all! My hormones are all over the place, my mind is having thoughts that I have never had before in my entire life and I am just about done with it all! I think the "pill" has worked it's way out of my system, but I think some serious damage has been done, so that is why I have an appointment for next Wednesday to maybe get put on the patch and just fix this very big problem. I am actually pretty excited because now I can finally regulate myself and get back to the person I was 7 months ago! 
This downfall hasn't only had it's effects on me, but on Steven too and that is NOT going to happen anymore! Just knowing that this is bringing him down as much as it is me really makes me desperate to fix all of this as soon as possible. The reason I didn't do it sooner is because I thought I was fine at one point and figured that the worst part has past...turns out I was wrong! So all of this is getting fixed very soon and I am super excited to have everything back to normal. :) If it's not too much trouble, I ask for all of your Prayers and hopes that this is my answer to solving this horrible problem!


Updates on Steven: <3 

He is doing alright...I can't say great, but he is not doing bad either. He's missing his family and me and I can imagine how lonely he must feel at this point. He gets ahold of us as often as he can and when he does, it's the best feeling in the world! <3 I always am reminded that he is not only the love of my life, but my best friend and we talk about everything and anything! I know what they say about telling your military spouse how you're feeling and about your worries while they are deployed.......DON'T DO IT! IT IS FORBIDDEN!!.....but when he asks me to tell him everything, it's almost hard to hold all of that back when he is the only person in the world you actually need and want comfort from. He has been so supportive and has truly been my pillar in all that is going on, and don't worry, it works the other way too LOL I make sure that I am always there when he needs me and I make sure that his state of mind is where it should be and not all over the place. Military life right :) or should I say life in general. I love being a Marine Girlfriend, but I honestly cannot wait to be a Marine Wife <3 All I need to do now is focus on my health while he's away and focus on getting better so that when he comes home, I can focus on starting my new life with him! <3 


I am heading back home in about 2 weeks time to help out with Leeann and Daniel's wedding and I am excited, hopefully that will also keep my mind busy and focus on what really matters and all the Blessings I should be thankful for! <3 

I hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday! :) 
God Bless



Friday, April 15, 2016

{...Spring And Stuff...}

Hi everyone! :)

I'm sure you are all enjoying spring as much as we are :) well....except for all the spring cleaning right? Haha Today my Tia did a little carpet cleaning in her room and I grabbed it from her when she was done so I could do the other living room while she tackled school with my cousin. Windows have also been wiped so I guess Spring cleaning has started without us even knowing....well without me even knowing. I'm pretty sure that was my Tia's intention all along haha.

I have an update on Steven...he is doing okay although I did get a message form him yesterday that just about broke my heart :( he said that he is not sleeping well because he has this gut feeling that he is going to get a message from me one day saying I can't do this anymore. This hasn't been easy at all and I have been going through some kind of depression for a while now even before he got deployed, so yes sometimes I do wonder and question if I can do this or not and I won't lie sometimes I have thought about writing him a letter to break it off, but not because I don't love him or because I don't want to be with him anymore, but because I don't want to hurt him and bring him down with all my negativity. Instead I have made the decision to pull myself together and fight through this because in the end he is the only one that can pull me out of this..he has a couple times before, so I will not give up on the life of my life because I know that I am seriously going to regret it one day if I do. So I told him the truth and I reassured him that he will not be receiving that message anytime soon or at all should I say! <3 I love Steven and this is just something we have to push through.

Other than that...nothing new has been going on here. 3 more weeks till I'm heading back to Idaho! I am so excited but at the same time really sad because now I am leaving my family behind and not gonna see them for 2 months round about. So it's not going to be easy, but I'm looking at this as getting busy and making time fly so by the time I'm done working on the wedding with Leeann, Steven should be home soon <3 I Pray to God that time flies.

Other than that, I hope you all have a good day! <3
God Bless


Thursday, April 14, 2016

{Update on Life}

What's going on guys? :)

So nothing has been happening on my side of the world, but I just thought I would come in and do a little update on my life right now :) (not that anything interesting is going on, but we try right?)

So for the past week I have been sitting at home alone with my dad because my cousins have had school testing that they needed to go and get done. They are home schooled and so they have to drive up to a hotel or certain venue in order to take their State Tests. I remember when I had to do all of that and it's not quite fun LOL but it had to be done. My brother has actually stopped homeschooling and is in an actual school right now and he LOVES it! He does not want to go back to homeschooling at all. I think it's good that he loves going to school, he makes new friends everyday...he actually has a few friends he hangs out with and we honestly couldn't be more proud of him <3

Yeah he's a pain, but what little brother isn't right? Haha I sure do love him though <3

Anyway...update on Steven, he is still out on deployment :( not enjoying it one bit...well he has his moments. He says if I were there I would love the sight of the ocean and he's not wrong haha he knows I love the ocean and the beach so I have no doubt how beautiful and peaceful it must feel out there. We are having a hard time dealing with the distance and not being able to talk to each other everyday, but it is something we have to do and I just try and stay positive and tell myself that this isn't going to last forever and we WILL see each other again <3 I love our relationship because even though this is so hard for us, we both refuse to give up on each oher and if that isn't love then I don't know what is.

Yup...gotta love this man <3

OH...I ALMOST FORGOT!! I haven't mentioned this on my blog (Stupid me) but Steven and I are hockey fans right now...only ones in both our families haha


Yeah this picture was actually taken the weekend before he left when I went up there for our anniversary and to say my final goodbyes (how ironic haha) and as one of my gifts for our anniversary, he bought me this hockey jersey along with tickets to the hockey game that night <3 He really is something special <3 

On a more scary note...the beginning of this week we actually had to seek shelter immediately due to a tornado heading right for us! Thank God it went the other direction, but that fear of not knowing what to do and the thought of all your belongings being destroyed and lost is something I don't ever want to feel again! So I packed an emergency bag so if there ever is another warning all I have to do is grab that bag and run....if I could pack my whole house in there I would, but I just grabbed most of my sentimental values such as my picture of Steven and all the gifts and clothes he ever gave me, my locket that my dad gave me one Christmas, my ring my Great Grandmother gave me when I was little and ofcourse extra clothes and such...but unfortunately not everything I want to keep fits in there so lets hope and Pray no tornado hits anytime soon LOL

So that's it for my update guys, I do want to maybe change my blog up a bit and dedicate a certain day to a certain activity or event, but I have no ideas whatsoever, so if anyone as any ideas, I would love some suggestions. :)

Have a great day everyone and God Bless 


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

{Exciting Morning....Not Really!}

It's already goodness how time is flying! Before I know it, Steven will be headed home and we will be starting our lives together. He got hold of me on Tuesday after a whole week of not hearing from him, he caught the Viral gastroenteritis and was put on bed rest till further notice. He kicked its butt and is feeling a lot better, God is really watching over my angel. <3
Yesterday was so exciting...I have been waiting for Steven's letters to arrive for almost 2 months now, and I actually started to think he wasn't writing me and just asking if I got any of them just to be nice haha, but yesterday my Tia walked into the room and woke me up with 6 letters from Steven!

:) FINALLY!!! :)

In each letter he put in the post-it notes I sent him in a jar for our 1 year anniversary, and he had written on the back of all of them, replying to my note. <3 Brought me to tears with how happy this man makes me. 
So glad you're doing well my babe! I'm so proud of you! <3 

Today I had my first run in with my worst fear....that's right....a SNAKE! 
Once I got dressed and ready, I grabbed Stevens letter I needed to mail out today and I took Jax outside for a little walk up to the mailbox. As I walked up the front of the house, I saw a quick movement from the corner of my eye x_x That's when I saw it slither away towards the front door. I started screaming and Jax just looked at me like I was nuts and ran back to the front door of the house, over the snake!! By then I was halfway up the driveway screaming and crying haha my Tia came out confused with Jax standing behind her legs staring at me haha. She saw the snake and called for my dad who came out ready to kill it! 

(Thank goodness)

I got my mail and made my way back to the house only to find out it was a small garden snake x_x my dad and Tia managed to get the little creature to the back yard, so we all know what that means....I am NOT going outside to get my mail again haha, that's what family members are for! :D 
I have a horrible phobia of snakes, have no idea what the phobia is called, but all I know is my legs turn to jelly and I feel sick when I see or even think about it! x_x 

So that's how my day started! Hope yours started off exciting too. Haha 

Keep well my friends! God Bless <3 

Friday, April 1, 2016

{Some Exciting News!}

Hello Dear Friends

A lot has been going here on my side...okay maybe not a lot considering I haven't applied for a job yet, but just as I was about to, I received some amazing and exciting news....!


Steven's sister, Leeann, who is also like a sister to me...called me up on Easter and had me put the call on speaker. At first I didn't understand why, I thought something had happened and was ready to catch a flight back to Idaho, but after I put the phone on speaker, her exact words were, "Tiffany...on November 26th of 2016, how would you like to become an Aunt?"
Well right then and there I started crying! I was so excited by the news that I didn't even realize tears were rolling down my cheeks <3 I also realized that a part of me wasn't only crying for excited, but for sadness as well. Steven is not always able to keep in touch with his family or myself often and knowing how excited he would've been if he were home to hear the news <3 really made my heart hurt. I understand the risks and the sacrifices he has to make with him being in the military and this being his job, but I won't lie....I am struggling a little as a first timer myself.

Steven will also be missing his sisters wedding in July, and that just broke my heart more. Leeann was originally going to have her wedding in November when Steven came home, but some complications came up and was now moved to July, and now with her being pregnant, they had to move it sooner. I am having the privilege of being her Maid of Honor and there was a chance Steven was going to be Daniel's Best Man <3 but life will always find a way to kick a person in the butt! Only great thing Steven will be home for is the birth of our brand new Niece or Nephew and we cannot be more excited! <3

  This picture was taken on Christmas Day by Steven's wonderful mom <3 and this is my new favorite picture by far <3 Not only can you see the love between Steven and myself, but we were being silly and when he saw Renae pull up the camera and point it at us, he immediately pulled me in and gave me the biggest, romantic kiss I have ever had <3 
This man means more to me than life itself, and even though I think I am doing okay with him gone....the truth is I'm not! And when I realize that sometimes, it hits me like a brick in my face! It hits me pretty hard <3 
Just knowing that I have finally found the man I have always dreamed of and now have to sit and wait for him to come sucks! But I will sit here and wait forever if I have to because he is worth it, and I'm sure if any other military girlfriend or wife is reading this right will agree with me 100%.

These are what I call "My Deployment" photos :) I decided to send a care package to Steven for his Birthday last month and in it I put a whole bunch of goodies like Reeces, Skittles, Protein Bars, a bag of chips, a pack of sour worms, and a jar of sour worms with a note on it that read "Hooked to YOU since 2/7/2015" <3 Along with all those goodies I packed two sketch pads, two boxes of coloring pencils, pencils, and a sharpener. My man loves to draw and I figured that would give him more to do while he's away <3 I also packed one of my Portugal shirts for him (seeing as I'm Portuguese) and one of my blankets both sprayed with my perfume <3 I then made pockets on the flaps of the box and stuck a Slim Jim on the one side, and a birthday letter from me and my family on the other side <3 Now you're probably wondering how he managed to see these pictures....well I saved the best for last <3 I put together a little album with all of the first pictures we ever took together until now <3 we have been together for a year a nearly 2 months so there were a lot of pictures I had to choose from LOL but I also stuck souvenirs from our trips together <3 It was just something really special for my wonderful man <3 

When he was able to get hold of me, he was so excited about everything I had sent and loved every single piece. That's how I know this is all worth it, because at the end of the day, no matter how hard this may be for both of us....we will ALWAYS find our way back to each other, no matter what! <3

Well that's my blog post for today...showing off all the love I have for my man <3 haha 
I would like to know how all of you are doing :) just drop a comment below! Don't be shy! 

Have a great day/night everyone! <3 
God Bless <3 

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...