Thursday, February 14, 2019

Done With The Excuses

I know what you're thinking...."we've been here before, what is the excuse this time?"
Well the truth is, I don't have an excuse! I am  mother, a wife, and we have been all over the place with the move and trying to find our own place while making sure our little (now 7 month old) baby girl is well taken care of.

My husband, however, did get me a new laptop for Valentines Day because my other one kind of failed me. I couldn't go anywhere with it or use it if it wasn't not plugged in and that was just bothering me. Also, it was slow and Steven used it for resumes and work stuff and it would just crap out on us all the time.
So here I am sounding like a whining little girl and I apologize for that, but I am really hoping this time I can get my blog up and running and start expressing myself on here a little!

My little girl is now 7 months old (as I have mentioned a billion times already) and it is a little bit easier to sit down and get a blog post up. She is taking longer naps here and there and also is managing to sleep through the night!

*I hope I didn't just jinx myself!!*

Anyway, I just wanted to come in and put this short little post up. I am still trying to set my computer up, so I will be back soon with updates and pictures on what I have been up to the past couple of months.

I hope the New Year is treating you well!

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...