Thursday, January 12, 2017

{...Starting To Feel Great...}

Good Afternoon Sweeties

Today has started off great!! I woke up at 6 AM this morning which never happens because I am usually one who sleeps until non or 1 PM ( by the way...not really proud for admitting that on my blog for all to see ) anyway...I feel amazing!

I really don't mean to sleep in till late hours of the morning, but seeing as I don't have much to do during the day except for clean and keep the house form burning down, I figure why do I need to up so early? I know it's bad and I'm starting to get out of that habit! I have to!

This morning I have been typing up and writing down things I need to get done while I am still at home as well as things I still need to do for my wedding in June. Sometimes I think I have everything done, but then something else always pops up x_x so today I have been typing up daily planners and am starting on a checklist for my wedding planning and plans on how to get those things done!

As you can see...I have a few things overdue. Okay...a lot of things overdue! Haha but that is why I am starting to write things down and I need to start remembering that I have this list on my phone!
If any of you are planning a wedding or a friend is having a wedding soon you can get this app on your phone or tablet called WeddingWire.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

{...Being a Brand New Military Wife...}

Good Afternoon Blog Family

I hope you are all doing well and keeping warm this winter. It has been insane here in Texas which is a shocker...I don't know if it's because we're here, maybe that's just our luck lol I know in Idaho where my in-laws live it has been snowing like crazy! I'm talking about 3 Ft of snow if not more, the State has actually gone into a state of emergency due to the heavy snow. So where ever you all may be, stay warm and stay safe on the roads out there.

So today's post is going to be about becoming a brand new military wife and what to expect and what not to expect. I know I haven't been married for a month yet, but in the 4 weeks I've been married I have learnt so much and had to deal with a lot so far... some of you might agree with me and some of you might not, but I do know that if there are any military wives that read my blog there might be a few things we can agree on.

::: Getting Over Any Fear or Anxiety :::

I suffer from anxiety/depression, something I have been meaning to sort out and start becoming my old self again. I am also a very shy and quiet person, not one to get out of my box or comfort zone which is not very good, but also not my fault especially being born and raised in South Africa. I have been sheltered my whole life there and I never really got the chance to get out into the world because of the dangers that lurk in my home country. One thing about being a brand new military wife is to suck up the fear and just get things done!! I do not like making phone calls and talking to people because of the fear of sounding stupid, but lately I have had to just get out of my shell and do what needs to be done. It hasn't been easy and it's not looking to get easy anytime soon so might as well just get used to it!

::: No Time for Drama :::

Steven and I are amazing together, but we are also the worst at getting along haha we fight about everything and anything no matter how big or small. Now in the beginning of it all with him trying to figure out our lives there and me trying to figure our lives out here, there has been some tension and fighting due to the frustration and willingness to get things done. I hate fighting with him and especially when we're apart because it just makes the distance that much harder to deal with, so we try to cut back on the drama and just try to go about doing things in a calm, loveable fashion LOL if that makes any sense at all.

::: Learning That it's Not About You Anymore :::

It's been so hard to remember that I am not alone anymore and that what I do does effect my husband. It's a very weird feeling, but at the same time I love it. It's also hard knowing that if I do something wrong or stupid, it will show up on his name too.

These are just a few things, and I'm pretty sure it will add on as the years go by and I will make sure to keep you all updated on the new things I've learned and had to overcome being a military wife.

Well that it for this post, I hope you all have an amazing day further <3

God Bless you all!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

{...Extremely Hard Day...}

Good evening friends

So nothing interesting has been going on since the last time I was on here until today. Lets just say I haven't even been married for one month and Steven and I are already going through some issues. Please tell me this is normal with newly weds, or newly wed military couples because I am trying to hold on and I don't know if I can. I love Steven to death, but the disrespect we give each other and the constant tit-for-tat thing is hurtful and tiring, not to mention the name calling sometimes 😢 Some of you might be reading this and saying that we got married too soon, or you're thinking that this is a sign that we are just not meant for each other....I don't know, but I am holding on as long as I can. I keep telling myself its because of the distance and we're both frustrated because we can't be together... whatever the reason, I Pray God pulls us through this dark patch and I ask for you to all Pray for us too. 💑💍

I knew being a wife wasn't going to be easy, especially to a man like Steven. He is stubborn and hard headed and goes through moods like no one I have ever seen before. One minute he is a total sweetheart... loveable, kissing, hugging, etc... then the next minute, its like a switch and he becomes this person who doesn't care about how he makes you feel or if he broke your heart, but like I said I love him and he is a sweetheart most of the time just when he goes into to monster-mode, you know you better get the tissues out. I hope I am not the only one that goes through this with my husband.... if anyone has any advice on how we can resolve this and stop arguing and fighting.....I would love some advice!

Anyway.... besides Steven and I going for each others throats ..... I spent the whole day trying to figure out medical business and making appointments for me to finally go and see doctors about all the things that have been going on with me. If you have been reading my blog for a while you will know that I have so many medical issues with me at the moment, its not even funny. I have kidney issues, ovary issues, other feminine issues that I feel I don't need to mention, my feet have problems, and I have TMJ (Lockjaw) so today has been a day to try and figure all of that nonsense out so I can finally start feeling better.
Also Steven has been trying to get an apartment for us and needs all of the necessary documents in order to get it and not only copies..... notarized copies and apparently no one in my little town or in the city do. They dont do notaries at the banks for non members..... usually they would give a fee for non members to get documents notarized, but no one I spoke to today did. Thankfully the bank that my parents are with notarize documents for non members and so I will get all of that done and dusted on Monday and send it off to Steve so that we can get our apartment.

I have to admit, I am pretty excited to finally start my life and live by my own rules. I have been going through some doubt and worry because I don't know how I'm gonna be able to function not being able to see my parents and brother everyday, but I guess that's the harshness of growing up.... mommy and daddy can't be there to hold your hand anymore.

Monday, January 2, 2017

{...Happy New Year...}



Happy New Year everyone!
I know I am a day late and for that I apologize, yesterday I had to say goodbye to my love yet again 😢 and probably won't see him again until June which is the month of our wedding 💒
I am hoping to see him in March though for his birthday, but looks like we will have to see where time and money leads us.
So as I was saying... Happy New Year everyone! This year will hopefully be a great year for you all 😊 I know a lot of people who have said that 2016 was one of the worst years they've had, some have said it has been one of the worst years they've had in a while and I can honestly vouch for that!
2016 has been a difficult year for myself, my family and my husband but it has also been a year full of joy and love 😍 it was the year I got engaged and married the love of my life, the year my sister and brother-in-law welcomes their precious baby boy into this world and Blessed both Steven and I with our first little nephew 😍 , my husband and I have conquered a deployment and become stronger and closer as a couple, and not to mention we moved closer to family at the beginning of 2016 😊
So yes this year has been difficult, but it has also been a year of Blessings and love 💑
Now as my Tia did, I am going to go over this year in this post to remember 2016 and to remember all the struggles and lessons that have been taught.


"So I've delayed posting due to Steven being home, packing for our move, and just trying to live life to the fullest at this point. I know that non of this is an excuse to stop blogging but I am only 19 and still have my whole life ahead of me."


"A lot has been going here on my side...okay maybe not a lot considering I haven't applied for a job yet, but just as I was about to, I received some amazing and exciting news....!
I am going to be an Aunt!!!"


"Yes I am apologizing again for the 1000th time...I am sorry I haven't been on my blog, life has been extremely hectic, (when hasn't it been hectic? Haha) but I am back!! Unfortunately I have to type up this post and future posts up on my phone because I no longer have a working laptop, so I've been trying to figure out how it works on the phone and its actually not that bad....I will make do! 😊"


"Wow! Can you believe December us here already? Seems like we were just starting 2016 off...CRAZY!!"

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...