Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Day Before Adulthood

So tomorrow is my 18th birthday, tomorrow I am officially an adult and I can tell you I am excited and scared all at the same time. I guess we all have to grow up whether we like it or not.

I either want to go bowling or go to dinner at Wingers with the family...either way I don't care, as long as I spend it with my family. I already got a few early birthday presents from my parents and my aunt and uncle which was very exciting LOL. So far I have nail polish and a jacket from my Tia and my uncle and I got a gift certificate to get my hair, nails and a wax done from my parents. So far my birthday is really starting to coming together!

So that's my new look now :D I've always wanted to do my hair that bright red color. but I'm not that crazy as to do my whole head that red LOL so I decided to do the peek-a-boo and I think it looks amazing and I love it so much!! <3

There has been a lot of snow so far and now that it has stopped snowing, the whole of Mountain Home is still white and looking stunning...

This how it looks like here by us...nothing but white <3
The only problem is all this ice, I always close my eyes every time my parents turn a corner on the road haha my nerves just shut off on the road.

It snowed big, beautiful flakes the other day and I just had to go outside and watch, I even managed to snag some flakes in my hair.....okay....that doesn't sound very good or attractive LOL but you get the idea!

In South Africa we never got snow so for us, even though we have experienced last year, we still get very memorized and think it is the most beautiful thing ever yet every other person moans about it snowing LOL my dad being one of them.

I have been thinking about starting to put up some vlogs of like my day and my life here, but I don't know if I should....any suggestions??

Well I will tune in tomorrow as an 18 year old :D

Hope you all have a Blessed night and keep warm


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