Monday, September 17, 2018

Happy Homaker Monday 🌸

Hello everyone!

It's another Monday, which is crazy because I feel like this weekend just flew by! I am a little late to my Happy Homemaker Monday, and I apologize for not putting one up last week, but I have been dealing with a sick husband and now a little congested baby. She doesnt have a fever and is very happy, still eats like a champ and just wants to move already, so I know she is no pain whatsoever, but I have been treating her with some saline spray and baby vapor rub on her chest, back and under her sweet little feet!

Anyway, let's get on with today's Happy Homaker Monday 😊

The Weather Today :::

On Today's To-Do List :::

Laundry - I have a mountain of laundry to fold and I have my bedding to wash. My dog is shedding so bad and not only is his hair everywhere on my bedding, but he rolls around in the dirt outside and then during the night, he sneaks up on the bed. I am so frustrated because no matter how many times I tell him no, he will sneak up on the bed when we are fast asleep and can't hear or feel him. So I have all of that to wash.

Living Room - I need to vacuum the floor and furniture because like i said, Tater's hair is everywhere!!

 If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself, I Will :::

Watch whatever show catches my interest. I am very behind on my YouTube videos, so today I started catching up on Almost Daily and turns out my little one actually enjoys watching them with me! She smiles at the people and thinks they are actually talking to her which makes my heart melt! LOL

Favorite Photo From The Camera :::

My new favorite photo of my loves!

Bible Verses, Devotional, Prayers :::

My prayers go out to all those affected by the horrible storms. I also pray for my mental health...I have been in a very dark place mentally and I Pray God will help me through it, not only for me and my well being, but also so I can be strong enough to take care of my family.

Well it has taken me all day to get this post up and going with tending to my little one and housework, it has just been a slow day.

Thank you for baring with me LOL

Hope you all have an awesome Monday further, and I will hopefully be back sometime this week with another post. If not, then you know my situation LOL


  1. Hope everyone in your house is healthy again soon! Cute picture. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. We are definitely back to being healthy :) Little Miss still has a little bit of a stuffy nose, but it's gotten a lot better!
      Hope you have a wonderful week too!

  2. Love the photo of your loves!! Hope you have a great week!!

  3. Praying for your health... mental health is as important as physical help, and I will pray with you that God will deliver you! Love the photo :) I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much! Feel like I could use all the help I can get.
      Hope you have a great week too!

  4. Awww! Love the photo of your loves! So cute! Am joining you in prayer over your requests and send blessings for a great week ahead! <3


The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...