Sunday, April 5, 2020

2020 = Staying indoors?

Hi Friends!

Wow! Been a bit of a long visit and I actually think this is the longest I haven't been on my blog. Apparently in my world, things have been a little crazy and non stop which I feel like most of you can relate to, right?

My little family and myself have been living in Idaho for the past year and a half since my husband retired from the Marine Corp and let me tell you, there's been a lot of good and bad days! My husband and I have definitely had our marriage put to the test this last year and a half which is not always fun to deal with, but thankfully, we managed to pull through and now we are stronger than least I think so anyway!

My husband has also been dealing with some family issues on his side, not gonna get too much into that, but let's just say it has resulted in us making the big decision to move to Texas closer to my family! I have been asking him for this for so long and I guess this was just the final big push for us. My husband will be attending the school of his dreams and I will be closer to my parents and other family members and my parents will finally get to be a part of my daughters life!

We have had some issues with Steven's mother not really playing the "Grandmother Role" towards Eva and was not afraid to play the "Favorite" game with her other 2 grandchildren. I have tried time and time again to have Eva have a relationship with her Grandmother, but it just wasn't enough, (according to my mother-in-law I needed to try harder to better their relationship!)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the grandmother's responsibility to work and better her relationship with her grand kids? At least that's what I thought...?

Anyway, I just needed to get a little off my chest (as you can tell), but things are finally starting to look up, except for this horrible pandemic we are going through! Who else is actually DONE with all of this? I know I am!
I just feel absolutely horrible for all those people getting sick and dying and their family members that can't even give them a proper funeral. I feel horrible, but also so grateful for all those doctors and nurses who are working tirelessly to try and beat this virus!

We will get through this, in Jesus name!

I have actually been trying to work on my relationship with God and I found myself being lost most of the time, but still pushing through in hopes that I will make it through and actually get rid of the feeling that I am doing it wrong or that I am not doing enough. I have been watching the sermons at Elevation Church and I am just blown away by Steven Furtick, his wife and just their whole team of worshipers altogether. I feel like I finally have a pastor that I can listen to that isn't so monotone and hard to keep up with, He actually makes it to where I understand the Bible verses that he reads and actually explains them in detail.

I am actually planning on getting Baptized when we move to Texas so I can have my whole family there to witness me giving my life to God and support me through it! I also would like to get Eva dedicated to God. Steven and I had agreed that we won't baptize Eva, but rather dedicate her so that when she is older, she can make the decision to get baptized or not and to her religion of her choice. Steven is Catholic and was Baptized a Catholic and I want to be baptized as a Baptist Christian (I think that is the right term).

A lot of changes are coming our way and I can't wait to see where it takes us and how it changes us. God is good and He will provide every step of the way. I will try and keep my blog updated on our events (I know I have said that MANY times before), but as always, I can't promise anything.

I hope you are safe and doing okay during quarantine and if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to, I am here!

Have a good night friends! xx

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The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...