Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2019...Almost Done!

Hello friends!

Haven't put up a post in a hot minute, but you know how it is when life kind of doesn't slow down for a while. I hope everyone has been doing good and enjoying the fall weather!
I'm not gonna lie, I was having a hard time getting into the "Fall Spirit", still kind of am but I've been trying for my little girl. She is very much aware of everything around her now and I kind of want to make every season and holiday fun for her!

So I've been wanting to pick your guys' brains a little bit, especially my hunting people!
I have having a very hard time with my husband going out hunting almost every weekend and not exactly spending time with his family. I personally don't think I would have that much of an issue with it if we was working day shift at work, but he works night shift and that kind of contributes to us not spending time with him as much! I guess I'm just asking the wives of hunters how they deal with it because I really need some advice! We just keep fighting and it's putting a lot of strain in our marriage.

Other than the hunting issue, my family has been doing well for the most part! My sweet little girl is growing up so fast and I honestly can't keep up.

Evangeline is starting to say a few words now and her favorite one is "NO!" haha
She is becoming very defiant when I tell her no and not to touch certain things like my ceramic angels, the dog food and the cleaning supplies under my kitchen sink! Lol
But I am having so much fun with her, this age is so much fun!
Also the night's are finally better, meaning both Eva and I are getting a full night's sleep and it feels amazing!

Life is treating us pretty well here and we cannot wait to see what liufe throws at us next!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...