Sunday, April 29, 2018

°Pregnancy Update - 31 Weeks°

31 Weeks, 1 Day

Happy Sunday everyone! 

Hope you're all having a Blessed Sunday and just chilling with family and enjoying the warm weather! 

I have been trying to get my house back on track after the hectic couple of weeks we've been having. I managed to get it back on track after my baby shower madness, but then a week later, Steven's cousin came down from Idaho and spent a week here, so my house kind of got away from me again! 

It was fun having Zach over for the week! We visited the Zoo, the Dog Beach and even went and watched Avengers: Infinity War which was awesome! But it's time to get back to reality and start getting everything ready for baby girl! ♡

I will be doing another post sometime this week showing all of you the cute stuff I got for my baby shower, so be sure to keep a look out for that! 😊

Now...I think it's time to get on with this post and catch you up on my pregnancy update! 

Baby Update :::

Evangeline measures over 16 inches long and weighs about 3 1/3 pounds (about the size of a coconut) and is heading into a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump up as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. 
Coconut on green leaf in wood bowl on table

She is moving A LOT! Sometimes makes it hard to sleep at night or even just to lay down comfortably. Her kicks are getting so strong as well that she will sometimes stop me dead in my tracks followed by a loud "Ouch!" Lol
It's quite funny because people look at me like I'm nuts and then you'll see the moms that actually laugh because they know exactly what that feels like! Haha

Mommy's Update :::

My energy levels are not where they used to be, but at the same time I feel like I could run a marathon! My body aches all the time which is so frustrating because I can't even do one load of laundry without my back or hip hurting! 

I still have my chocolate cravings, but am trying so hard right now to cut down on the sugary cravings and give baby girl and myself all the healthy and nutritious things we need! 
I have actually found a Third Trimester Meal Plan that I want to follow and hopefully will also take the guilt away from feeding myself and my daughter too much chocolate and sugar! 🙈 
(Please don't judge me!)

Nursery Update :::

So Steven and I decided to actually change our nursery plan because for the baby shower, his grandparents gifted us money to buy her a whole new nursery set! ♡ 
I can't tell you how grateful and Blessed we are! 

I found this GORGEOUS nursery set on BuyBuy Baby's website that I just fell in love with! 
We only got her the crib and the dresser because the dresser will also double as her changing table. 

I didn't see the need for a changing table on it's own when I can just put a cushy  changing pad on the dresser and do it that way! My sister-in-law did that and I thought it was a pretty good idea...better than wasting more money on a changing table. 

So because we got her this set, we are going to be switching our guest bedroom into the nursery because that is the bigger room and I feel we'll need the space. 
The guest bedroom is officially going to be the smaller room! Lol

The crib we have right now, we are going to take it down and give it to someone who really needs charge! 

I can't wait to get her nursery decorated and ready for her! ♡ 

Next Doctor's Appointment :::

My next appointment is May 11th. 

I have already done my glucose test along with the gestational diabetes test (I think that's the same test, so don't mind my brain) 
I haven't gotten a call back from my doctor with any concerns so I think I'm good! 

I also had to get the whooping cough vaccine which was kind of a shock to me because they had my mentioned it before, but as long as it benefits me and baby girl, then I'm all good! 

I think my next appointment should just be a check up! My doctor just usually measures her and listens to her heartbeat and that's about it, unless he tells me to go and get other tests done which I don't think I'll need to do this time around! 😊

I hope you all have a Blessed week ahead, don't work too hard! 
I will be back sometime this week with a Baby Shower post! 
I know it's late, but better late than never right? 

1 comment:

  1. you are not far now to go..soon your baby will here.what a blessing to you..
    take care


The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...