Friday, March 10, 2017

°So Much Has Happened°

Hi everyone!

Wow! Its been a while and I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the gorgeous Spring weather that is working its way through the country 😊

I, on the other hand, have moved to California to be with my husband πŸ’œ he was supposed to be getting deployed again in July after our wedding, but he is having surgery on his neck and isn't going anymore so I am here to be with him during this scary and hard time.

Steven has 2 herniated discs and is in excruciating pain, has been for a couple months now and I tell you its not only frustrating for him, but it is for me too. As a wife, I get emotional because I cant help him 😞 he sleeps a lot, or sometimes cant sleep at all and to get his mind off the pain or to at least try and get his mind off the pain, he plays video games or plays on his phone and I feel alone more than I did in Texas, but its not like I'm mad at him, just wish he would talk to me a little more about it.

Anyway...I'm loving living here in California with my love πŸ’™ its been hard, but I'm loving being a wife 😍

Meet our baby boy...Tater πŸ’œπŸ˜
Steven got him for me to keep my company while he's at work and to help with my anxiety. He is my whole heart and I love him to absolute death hehe
He is almost 3 months old and weighs 20.5 lbs! 😳 big boy right?!

This is my gorgeous little family! πŸ’™πŸ’œ

So happy and so looking forward to the future!

I hope you are all well and I would love to know what you're all up to! 😊

1 comment:

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...