Tuesday, November 3, 2015

{Just A Week and A Half!!}

Hello dear friends! :)

Today has been a very cold and windy Tuesday, perfect for staying inside in front of the heater and under the blankets. I cleaned the house a little and rearranged my room and in the process of doing that...my boyfriend who I haven't spoken to in 2 weeks texted me and I tell you...I literally jumped for joy LOL. I got so excited because not only did I hear from him the first time today in 2 weeks, but I am literally seeing him NEXT WEEKEND!! That's right...NEXT WEEKEND! We are beyond excited it's crazy LOL

My dress for the Marine Ball is finally fixed thanks to an amazing friend of mine! When we got the dress, my boyfriend's mom asked if they could alter it so it wouldn't drag on the floor and they ruined my dress completely! One side was longer than the other and it was just horrible, and not only did I have to try and find the perfect shoes to match my dress, they made the dress too short that it showed nearly the whole front of my shoes! Now maybe I'm just a little old fashioned, but a Ball gown is meant to just touch the floor right? Yeah not anymore, they ruined my dress x_x but once again, thanks to my good friend she managed to save it and I got another, shorter pair of shoes and now my dress somewhat touches the floor, so now I am ready for the Ball! Unfortunately I can't put pictures up now because Steven does read my blog and it's kind of a surprise for him hehe

It is that time of year again for tights and my funky long socks. I think I am well known for my funky long socks LOL I absolutely love them and especially in winter. I have so many pairs it's ridiculous! I kind of have a love/hate relationship with Winter...I love it because it's perfect for cuddles and hot chocolate and just staying in, but I hate it because I have to go out in it and feel the cold...if that makes sense haha. I can be a little crazy and go into great detail, but that's one of the many things people love about me.

so that was me dropping in for today. I'm sorry I don't really write up a lot, just those few things have been going on and not much more, but I hope you enjoy reading nonetheless :)

Have a good night everyone and stay warm! <3


The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...