Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good evening friends!

I know I am doing this a little later than I planned, but today has been all over the place!

Actually.....we've been all over the place this whole month!
We finally moved into our new home and we only finished packing everything yesterday! I tell you...this momma is so sore and so exhausted!

Okay...enough of my yapping, let me get this post up as soon as possible now! :)

I am linking up with my Aunt Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom so be sure to head over to her amazing blog to read some of her amazing stories and to find some other awesome bloggers! 

As I Look Outside My Window:
I love my new neighborhood. We live in base housing and so there are people constantly walking their dogs and kids playing in the streets. Right now it just got dark and everyone's porch light is on.

Right Now I Am:
Sitting on the couch in the living room watching hubby throw the ball around for Tater. My nerves are a little shot right now because the last thing I need is for the ball or the dog to knock something over and break it!

Thinking and Pondering:
Whether I should look into getting a part time job now. I constantly feel so guilty for my husband having to bring in all the finances and provide for, not only himself, but for me too. I feel I should be contributing a little bit at least so he doesn't feel like he has the weight of everything on his shoulders.

On My Bedside Table:
My Bible, some journals, and my new favorite read - Drums of Autumn by Diana Gobaldon

On My TV Tonight:
I don't really have anything to watch as I finished watching Outlander. The only thing I really watch with hubby is WWE and Total Divas, but other than that I have just been enjoying my book rather than watching TV.

Listening To:
Hubby is watching a Batman movie on Netflix. I am not really into these types of movies, but I love spending time with him, so I thought I would do my computer stuffs and tolerate the loud TV for a couple hours! LOL

On The Menu for this Week:

Monday - Salsa Chicken in the Crockpot
Tuesday - Spaghetti Bolognese
Wednesday - Tilapia with steamed veggies
Thursday - Creamy ranch chicken in the crockpot
Friday - Possibly a date night, so not really sure
Saturday -
Sunday -

On My To-Do List: 
I still have a ton of laundry to do from the move, so need to tackle that tomorrow morning,
Sweep and mop the floors because Tater keeps tracking mud into the house!

My Simple Pleasures:
Lately it's been opening the blinds and windows around the house. I know that sounds weird, but now that I have a house with so many windows, I just love opening all the windows and having fresh air flow through. In the apartment, we only had one window which was in our bedroom and a glass sliding door that led to the balcony, but I couldn't open that because that's where Tater would go and do his business and also because the apartment was right next to a mountain, there would be so many bugs that flew in. So right now, I am loving the amount of light that shines through and the air that flows.

Lesson Learned the Past Week: 
I need to let go and let God. Lately I have been finding it very hard to just let things be and to trust that everything will be alright. I have a very hard time trusting people, and that is kind of taking a toll on my marriage, and so I've learned that if I don't figure out a way to let things go, I am going to lose a lot more than my mind.

From The Camera: 
My very first belly pic!
I know I don't really have much of a belly, but I promise it's there! LOL

Prayer List:
For my marriage. It's not in any kind of danger, but still could use some prayers.
My little niece who is back in the NICU after another surgery.
My family, that they are kept safe here in the States and in South Africa.

1 comment:

  1. I love OUtlander too. Lovely little belly... won't stay so little in not long.


The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...