Friday, October 24, 2014

Let's Start With A Little Introduction :)

Decided to start this blog to put down all my feelings and emotions and my adventures as a teenager entering the life of adulthood. This is my first time so let's see how this goes :)

I was born and raised in South Africa, my mom is South African and my dad is Portuguese. I won't lie, growing up in South Africa wasn't easy for both my brother and myself and especially in that country, not to say that I don't love my country but with the constant worrying about locking our doors tight and living behind high walls and electric fences, I don't know about you but that is no way to live. The crime rate in that country is extremely high and everywhere you look there will always be someone getting robbed or hijacked or just getting beat up. It's actually sad that I have to see my country like that :(.....On the upside, South Africa hasn't lost its beauty or its culture, I can still hear and feel the sound of those African drums pounding and not to mention hearing the thundering roar of the fierce African Lion <3 I am a major animal lover and realizing all the wonderful animals we have, just makes me say that I am proud to be a South African <3

I am a dancer, well was a dancer, but still like to think of myself as one. I started dancing at the age of 4 and have only stopped this year (once you start reading my blog more, you will find the reason why). I did modern and hip hop and I loved every minute of it. I have been competing for years and not once did I hate being on that stage to me it was like my second home, like I belonged up there, and I won't lie, but I do miss that feeling. Dancing will always be a part of me and I believe strongly in my heart that if I was meant to carry on with my dancing career, something bigger and better will open up sometime in my life. I am only turning 18 and already my dream of becoming a dancer and performer has already come true! <3

Now that one dream is down, I am well underway with my next one which to become a horse rider. I can not tell you just how long I have been waiting to ride a horse and be able to forget everything and focus on just me, the fresh air and the beautiful animal I am riding. I have been in love with horses I'm sure even before I could walk, my mom still reminds me of how I used to use my building blocks as hooves and run around the house on all fours, apparently I even sounded like a horse and made everybody believe that I was either a horse in my previous life or my spirit animal is a horse....either way, I have horses written all over my heart <3 So if any of you that know a little something something about horses, I would really love for some advice and more information about those amazing animals....I think I know a lot but I'm pretty sure I don't LOL

So now that you know a little bit about me I do want to share that we have immigrated to the States over a year ago now, for a better life and a fresh start! I am excited and ready to tackle every obstacle that life throws my way. This was a big step then and is still a big step now! <3

It's late now so maybe a good nights sleep will do me some good, I am really excited about this blog and please don't be shy to comment or introduce yourselves <3

Have a great day/night everyone and God Bless you and keep you always! <3


  1. Hello Tiffany!

    I am a friend of your Aunt Sandra. I look forward to reading more about your transition to the USA. I grew up around horses. My aunt use to raise the Morgan breed of horse. I just love them.

    Welcome to bloggy land!

    1. Hi Jen :D

      It is really nice to meet you, thank you for the welcome and I am definitely looking forward to this blog, I am super excited and hope you will enjoy reading it <3

      I absolutely love horses, and I would do absolutely anything to own my own horse and just ride!! lol

      Thanks again for the friendly introduction <3 :)


The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...