Wednesday, January 21, 2015

{Back to the Routine}

Good morning my friends!

Yes I am back, and I have missed my blog so much and I promise to try and post every single day now...I am not even kidding anymore!

These past few weeks...oh my word, where do I even begin? Well first off all I can say is....School!!!!!! I'm pretty sure you all know I did not say that in a good way. I just cannot wait to be done, I just want to start my life already and explore and travel and just find myself. There was a bit of a side problem that came up last week sometime...My Tia and myself received an e-mail from the school indicating that I did not meet the State graduation requirements for my ISAT' I started freaking out and crying and just trying to figure out why...what....just losing my head. Turns out I was freaking out for nothing, all I have to do is take courses in Language and Math since those were the subjects I didn't get the best marks in and then if I get an A or B for those courses then I go back and write my ISAT's again and then from there I should be able to graduate (hopefully).

Its been really hard for me since we've moved here to get into the school routines and then learning new things and picking them up quickly, it hasn't been easy, but I have made it this far and I am not willing to give up just yet. Back in South Africa we never had test like the ISAT's and such, so that was a very big wake up call for me and I was kind of just thrown in there not knowing what to expect, but it's not the end of the world, just need to focus on passing the next ones and I'm pretty sure I can do it :)

This week is the last week we can submit schoolwork and tests before the end of the semester, so Jasmine and I are just really trying to get done and dusted so we can start the new semester fresh and with a BANG! So hopefully we can do it! :D lol

Okay...I need to start getting done, hope you are all doing well and smiling no matter what!

Have a great Wednesday everyone <3

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

{Beautiful Wednesday!}

Good Morning Beauties!! :D

Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all doing well and smiling...why? Because you are all beautiful and we should thank God for waking us up this morning healthy and alive :)

I know I haven't been posting on my blog lately, I am such a bad person x_X haha, but I am going to try and keep on it from now on :) and that's a promise ;)

I know some of you might look at this picture and think "why in the world would she put such an ugly picture up"....well this picture is my view from my bedroom window, it's not much, but just look at how beautiful it is today...the sun is finally shining a bit stronger than it has been in a while, and I don't know if you can tell, but I am quite excited haha. The snow is melting all around and there is nothing but that gross brown, mushy snow......yea no not my favorite!!

I won't lie, this year is starting off great, I have deleted all the negative things out my life.....okay maybe not all, but I'm working on it LOL....but everything that has brought me down and made me feel like I am not worth anything, that has all been left in the wonderful year of 2014 :)

I hope are all starting your year off with the same feeling I am and if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, even though you do not know, please know that I will be here to listen and help as best I can :) so feel free to drop me an e-mail <3

I hope you all have a Beautiful Wednesday!

God Bless

Saturday, January 3, 2015

{2015..This is Going to be THE year!}

Hello friends :)

Well...Happy new years! Hehe hope you are all ready for this new year, I know I am but to be quite honest I am really scared LOL, this is the year my life starts and that to me is a little exciting but mostly scary!

Last year was a hard year not only for me, but I think for everyone. 2014 seemed like the year for lessons to be learned ( I think I mentioned that in one of my previous posts, but Oh well...let's mention it again LOL ), but this year we are going to take those lessons and use them to our advantage in the obstacles that are coming our way!


I do have a few resolutions, healthy resolutions haha. I am going to be doing daily workouts and I am going to try and help my mom and brother as well...which shouldn't be so hard because I am fun to work out with! ;) ( yea...they don't agree! :( ) I am also planning on drinking a lot more water and green tea because I tend to dehydrate and that is not happening this year....I WILL be hydrated hahaha! Also I think healthy eating is a huge MUST! No more junk food, and if there is going to be junk won't be all the time or often, maybe like once or twice a month at least ( yea let's see how well that goes )

I hope you are all going to take this year and make it YOUR year! 
You are in charge for the next 365 days ;) make it count! <3 

Have a great day beauties!

The "Three-nager" Stage

Good morning friends!  Hope y'all had a good Monday and start to the week! I was able to get a good nights sleep last night and Eva did ...